Direct Marketing – Discover 4 No-Brainer Methods to Make Money With Marketing Directly

Here’s the truth; you can really make money through direct marketing but only if you do the entire process right. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Know your audience. Obviously, you would want your marketing efforts to be focused and effective. This can only happen if you know your target market inside out. Aside from knowing their needs and demands, you must also know their preferences and the elements that can influence their buying decisions.

2. Target their pains. Talk about the pains that are being experience by your clients. If they are having problem with weight gain, talk about the rejection that they face during job interviews or when they are being stared at whenever they are in public places. This is one of the best things that you can do to push these people to do something about their problems and that is to resolve them using your products or services.

3. Get your prospects to like you. Whether you are sending your clients with direct mail or you are doing cold calls, it’s important that you get them to like you otherwise, you’ll surely lose their business. Empathize when needed; convince them that you do understand where they are coming from. Talk to them using conversational tone and be genuinely interested in helping them out. Also, treat them nicely and avoid sounding too pushy — they simply hate it.

4. Create a sense of urgency. This is the fastest way to get your prospects to make a purchase. Offer them with unbeatable deals but only if they buy right away. Say, “For a limited time, I can give you 30% discount. You can avail of this if you call us now!”

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Network Marketing – Direct Sales Recruiting

MLM-Network Marketing-Direct Sales Recruiting

Recently I have noticed that many in the MLM-network marketing industry are having some real struggles with their recruiting efforts.

Many say it is the times, the economy, it stems from 9-11, it is hard than it used to be, and people have changed. These reasons are resonated over and over again. It does not seem to make a difference whether you are experienced and proven, or are new and just starting out, or you are a man or a woman.

Fact is people are still people as they have always been, few things have changed. Fact is this poisonous lack of belief is what is killing your recruiting effort and every ones paycheck. So because of this lack in belief, I feel compelled to express my opinion why I believe this is happening.

The path of easiest belief – the path that most people in this industry will take. It is easier to believe it will not happen than it will happen. This is also the path many will take through life. It is easier to make excuses than to take the time to grow new beliefs that will attract success vs. repel it. When you have this new belief your prospects will feel it radiate from you and from your voice.

1) Do you believe in normal or abnormal? Success is the abnormal. Normal is succumbing to the beliefs of others; you can succeed in building a business, only a few make it to the top, and if you succeed it will be short lived because it is against the grain. Recruiting is the process of building relationships, positive beliefs and convictions creating the abnormal…success.

2) When times get tough in the MLM industry you begin to believe the things you are told a lot rather that that told only a little. Things such as you will never do it, it is too hard, and it is not a real job. This is what everyone hears. What we really need to hear is you can do it; you have what it takes, listen to the ones that have succeeded, not given up and just do it.

3) Believe in you-not others when times are tough, when recruiting we begin to believe that others are smarter, know more, are more educated, and so on. This will impact your recruiting efforts in a bad way. We have much family, friends, people who will and can influence us. The big question is can they take you where you want to go or can they stop you from getting to your goal. The answer to your question is the clue.

4) Do you believe or leave? Most people do not stay in network marketing or in life positive path. The reason is because all through life we have been taught it is easier to leave than believe. It is so much easier to find and excuse to be normal than a new belief to be abnormal. We all fall prey to this in our life and in our network marketing (MLM) business. With today’s technology building your MLM business is easier than ever before.

When recruiting you cannot enter it with exit signs in your eyes or approach. People feel your beliefs first, then see and hear you. So you must enter the recruiting process in a positive belief mode.

You do this by embracing the technology made available via the computer/internet age. You cannot fear recruiting, that is what you are there to do. Remember this is a new age, no more warm markets, no more cold calls or rejection from poor purchased leads. The technology will not recognize failure. So let it work for you.

One technology that will create a positive belief with you and in your contacts would be a method that uses the newest technology to your advantage. It will automatically generate quality leads daily from a truly interested target market and pay you in the process, now what is easier or more positive than that. This program will not only build a strong relationship business, but will build in your contacts a strong belief in you. It will allow you more time for Income Generating Activities (IGA’s).

A technology like MLM Formula will not allow you to fail. It will boost your confidence. This program will build for you with minimal effort, a strong relationship business for now and well into the future.

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